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英国Tier 1 Investor投资移民介绍+可以工作

现在的英国投资移民,是叫做Tier 1 Investor Visa, 也就是一级别投资签证。只需要投资100万英镑(可以投资债券、股票、不超过25万投资房产)等等, 就可以5年之后获得英国的永居签证 Indefinite Leave to Remain.

当然,不管是哪种方式,都是有居住要求滴,也就是每年要住满6个月。然后呢,申请永居还要通过一个考试,叫做Life in UK。 居住方面就不用说了,跟大家介绍一下Life in UK考试吧。

这个考试是全部都是选择,24道题,对了18道就可以通过。 而试题内容呢,都是一些英国基本知识、基本法律知识、生活常识等等。 考试内容很简单,而且还有书可以参考(试题都是根据这本书中出的啦Life in the United Kingdom: A Journey to Citizenship , 但是2007年做了改版,增加了一些内容,而且试题都是从第2-6章出的)。


转回正题,继续说说工作的事情。 获得Tier 1 Investor的5年内,就已经可以工作,并不需要获得永居才可以。当然,也还是有限制的:不可以从事医生或者牙医(除非有相关许可)。 这是因为, 想移民到英国从事医生或者牙医,是有专门类别签证滴。 


不过作为Tier 1 Investor移民,还是有三个限制的:
1. Tier 1 investor是高资产人氏移民,所以不可以领救济金之类(有100万英镑资产在那里,人家政府就不给救济啦);
2. 要在警察局注册(人家要确保移民不会造成社会危害);
3. 不能从事医生和牙医,除非:获得UK认可的药学、牙科学士学位或以上;在申请Tier 1 Investor之前已经具有可以从事医生或牙医的移民身份;


附件是 英国官网投资移民说明文件全文Pdf 文件

Applicants must 
meet the following 
Entry clearance or leave to remain under this route will be subject to 
the following conditions:
a) no recourse to public funds (which means the migrant will not be 
able to claim most benefits paid by the state);
b) registration with the police, if this is required by paragraph 326 of 
the (敏感词被屏蔽)gration Rules, and
c) no Employment as a Doctor or Dentist in Training, unless the 
•         has obtained a primary degree in medicine or dentistry at 
bachelors level or above from a UK institution that is a UK 
recognised or listed body, or which holds a sponsor licence 
under Tier 4 of the Points Based System; or 
•         has, or has last been granted, entry clearance, leave to 
enter or leave to remain that was not subject to any condition 
restricting them from taking employment as a Doctor in 
Training, and has been employed during that leave as a 
Doctor in Training; or
•         has, or has last been granted, entry clearance, leave to 
enter or leave to remain that was not subject to any condition 
restricting them from taking employment as a Dentist in 
Training, and has been employed during that leave as a 
Dentist in Training
Migrants who are currently here with permission to stay under the 
former Investor category (the one that was available before we 
introduced the Tier 1 (Investor) category) are excluded from taking up 
employment in the United Kingdom. These migrants must continue 
to observe the employment restriction imposed on their permission to 
stay until or unless they make a successful application under the Tier 
1 (Investor) category and are given permission to extend their stay by 
moving into this category.
under Tier 4 of the Points Based System; or 
•         has, or has last been granted, entry clearance, leave to 
enter or leave to remain that was not subject to any condition 
restricting them from taking employment as a Doctor in 
Training, and has been employed during that leave as a 
Doctor in Training; or
•         has, or has last been granted, entry clearance, leave to 
enter or leave to remain that was not subject to any condition 
restricting them from taking employment as a Dentist in 
Training, and has been employed during that leave as a 
Dentist in Training   
Life in UK考试官网网站: http://lifeintheuktest.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/